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In the following we want to show you how to connect technical devices or software system via email configuration to EVALARM. Possible devices are technical system, fault monitoring systems or IT systems. The connected devcice send an email to EVALARM and a pre-coonfigured alarm gets triggered.

Two steps are needed to connect such a device:

1) Configuration of the device itself → email adress; add token to subject or email-body "tk: XXXX"; add "ms:" and cut with ";" for the relevent parts of the email-body

2) Configuration in EVALARM → What is the token, which gets generated by the device (→ subject or email-body)? Which alarm should be triggered in EVALARM?

First Steps

1) Enter a name for the configuration

2) Enter a prefix

3) Select the user, who should be the initiator of the alarm (the initiator also can be a dummy user, e.g.

attention.pngImage Added The initiator needs the permission to trigger the selected alarm