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In a crisis situation, there are specific and situation-dependent tasks and instructions for actions, which must be worked on or taken into account.

EVALARM supports you by creating task listswith important tasksand remindersand can assign users and alerts.

In the case of an alert, the relevant tasks and reminders are transferred to the mobile apps and are available there.

In this case, you determine which user groups, which tasks and action instructions are given.

The following explains how to:

  • Create task lists
  • Create tasks and action reminders and assign task lists
  • Link task lists with processes 

Create lists of tasks and instruction lists

To assign tasks to the right people at the right time, you must first group them into a list.

For this purpose, see the processes of the action task lists.

You will find an overview of existing task lists here, where you can edit, delete and create new ones.

Create tasks and action reminders and assign task lists

You can then assign specific tasks to the task list created.

In addition to name, sort key and description, you must specify the task type.

There are two different types of tasks here: tasksand other reminders.

Tasksare provided in the form of a “to be executed” list.
The processes can be carried out in parallel by several users and are automatically synchronized. Thus, all users always have an up-to-date overview of the status of all tasks. The current status of the tasks will also be displayed in the cockpit.

(Warnung) Only tasks include a read receipt.

The instructions are action instructions that are displayed on mobile devices and to those affected, providing important information.

You can then assign the existing created tasks or reminders with the task lists.

Link task lists to workflows

So that the right people have the right task lists at the right time, they must be linked with the alerts through the workflows.

For this you can select the appropriate process and click, View, or simply create a new process, as desired.

In the Actionpanel, you can now add task and contact lists for the specific workflow.