With the EVALARM Connectors you have the possibility to share an user group from your location (customer access) as a "connector group" with any other EVALARM location, including locations outside your company. These locations can then in turn include and alert the shared group as a user or on-call group in their alerting processes. It is now possible for any EVALARM location to interact with any other EVALARM location.

A connector group is a user group that has been created as a connector and provides a token that can then be added to user/standby groups at other EVALARM sites. Once the token is added and the link is accepted, the users who are in the connector group are automatically included in the alerting of the other EVALARM location's group.

A token group is a user/standby group to which a provided token of a connector group has been added from another EVALARM site.

The connector group provides the token and the token group is a user/readiness group that adds the token to join the connector group.

A license is required to create a connector group. If you want to use connector groups, simply contact us under sales@evalarm.de.

Creating a new Connector group

To create a new connector group, go to "Users" in the administration and go to "Manage user-/connector groups".

Go to "Create new user-/connector group.

First give the group a name.

Next select "Connector".

The "Shared with my company" and "Connector" functions are mutually exclusive, i.e. you can either share a user group with the other locations in your company or create it as a "connector group".

Now you can set certain restrictions for your connector group.

First, you can optionally set the maximum number of connections, i.e. how often the generated token may be used and a connection request can be sent.

Second, you can optionally specify whether only certain locations (namespaces) are authorized to use the generated token.

Finally, you can add a description to the group and then click "Next".

In the next step, add the users to the group who should be alerted when an alert is sent to the group with the used token at another EVALARM location.

Complete the process with "Create".

You will be shown the automatically generated token of your connector group. Share this appropriately with the administrators of other EVALARM locations so that they can add this token to specific user-/on-call groups on their location. 

Manage connections

As soon as another location has added the token you shared from your connector group to a user- or on-call group, you will be automatically informed of this connection request via email.

In order for you to receive this notification, it is imperative that you enter a contact person for your location. You can do this in "LOCATION MANAGEMENT" under "Location" and there under the "Details" tab. The specification of the e-mail address is necessary in order to be informed by e-mail.

Under the "Connections" tab you can view and manage all requests and existing connections to your connector group.

In the list of requests or connections you can see what kind of group (user or on-call) and on which EVALARM location the token was added. In addition, you see the contact person of the other EVALARM location, if this has been stored.

To accept a pending connection request, click the green tick.

To reject a connection request or remove an existing connection, click the red X.

Link a Connector with User-/On-Call group (Token group)

To integrate a Connector into a user-/on-call group, create a new user-/on-Call group or use an existing one.

If you have created a group or opened an existing one, you will find the "Add token" button in the detailed view.

Go to this button and enter the provided token and complete by clicking on the tick.

Now the contact person of the EVALARM location of the connector group automatically receives a notification e-mail about your connection request and has to accept it.

As soon as approval is given, the connector is linked to your user-/on-call group and can be integrated into the alerting on your location.

Include token group in alerting

To alert the linked group go to "Workflows". From there, add the appropriate user-/on-call group to the "target" of the desired workflow.

If the workflow is then triggered, the users of the token groups are alerted. This can be either the users on your location that you have added to the user-/on-call group or the users that have been added to the connector group on the other location whose token you linked.

In the case of on-call groups, the schedule that you have configured for this in your loction also applies here. More information on on-call groups can be found here.

More information on configuring workflows can be found here.