You have the option of setting in the system that users can register themselves at your location.

To do this, go to "Location Management" and then to "Permissions".

You can activate self-registration under the "Guest Management" tab.

In principle, after activating self-registration, all e-mail addresses are initially valid for registration.

Under "Allowed E-mail-adressesyou have the option of restricting these e-mail addresses to one or more syntaxes. That means, for example, you can only allow your company's e-mail addresses for registration at your location. For the limitation, create a regular expression, e.g. ". *". In this example, only users with an email address ending in "" could register.

In addition, you can bind the user role guest to a freely definable radius around your location.

This means that users with the user role guest are only alerted if they are really at your location. To do this, users must have activated the GPS function of their mobile device.

If guests have not activated the GPS function, they will not receive an alarm if you have activated the function.