This feature provides you the possibility to set active configurations and sub-configurations of external system, which are connected via the ESPA 4.4.4 interface to EVALARM, into maintenance mode. Thus all messages of the connected system are temporarily are not processed and shown in EVALARM.

Maintenance Mode - Web

Go to Alarm devices and then to external systems and open the ESPA-configuration you want to activate the maintenance mode for.

The upper picture shows the view of an user with the user role administrator.

The picture below shows the view of an user with the user role emergency- and crisis team supervisor or emergency- and crisis team member with an acces right to the maintenance mode.

These users only have the possibility to activate or deactivate the maintenance mode. They don't have the possibility to edit, deactivate or delete the configuration.

You can activate the maintenance mode for the whole configuration or just for some sub-configrations (regular expression rules).

If you have access to maintenance mode and one of the configurations is in maintenance mode, this will also be displayed in the web-cockpit.

Maintenance Mode - App

In the app you can find the maintenance mode in the app menu.

The feature is only provided to users with the user role administrator and users with the user role emergency- and crisis team supervisor or emergency- and crisis team member with an access right to the maintenance mode.

In the overview of the maintenance mode you can see all ESPA configurations and related sub-configurations (regular expression rules). The sub-configurations are foldable.

Here you also have the possibilty to activate the maintenance mode for the whole configuration or just for some sub-configrations (regular expression rules).