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  • Was ist ESPA? Die serielle Schnittstelle ESPA 4.4.4 ist ein von der ESPA (European Selective Paging Manufacturer's Association) definiertes Kommunikationsprotokoll zur Ansteuerung von Personenruffunkanlagen und Telefonanlagen. Das Protokoll hat sich als Industriestandard für die Interkommunikation diverser Systeme entwickelt, unter anderem zur Alarmierung und Alarmkommunikation, sowie um Kurznachrichten zwischen Brandmeldeanlagen, Alarmservern, Lichtrufsystemen, Gebäudeleittechnik, SCADA / SPS-Systemen, Telefonanlagen, DECT-Telefone oder einem anderen Gerät und einem Vor-Ort-Paging-System auszutauschen. (Quelle:
  • ESPA → Server & ComServer → Client
  • working mode Möglichkeiten


4.1 ESPA
type: espa
server : evatas espa server
network level: TCP
application level: ESPA
ESPA protocol widely used to interface alarm system. Was usually developed for interconnecting
paging equipment. Protocol itself include system_id, which is used for sectors searching.
ESPA service can work both in client (connecting to remote host) and server (listening for incoming connections) modes. For server mode port should be free and opened in firewall settings.
To configure ESPA server next parameters should be provided:
mode — should one of server or client;
autostart — boolean, start server automatically or not;
host — host to connect to in client mode, should be “any” for server mode;
port — port to connect to in client mode or to listen on, for server mode;
alarms interval — how often create alarm in case of connection absence, in seconds, default to 30
process reset — ESPA protocol has field call\_type which can contain special value for reset.
This boolean flag means should we close alarm(s) on reset or not;
initiator — user ID initiating alarm;
espa system id — value to set as system id in case if it is not provided by protocol;
regexps — regular expressions list to process ESPA message field.
Regexps is a list of mappings from alarm type to list of regular expressions. JSON representation:
"1000000000": ["St¨orung ?(\\d+)/?(\\d+)?"],
"1200000000": ["Absch. ?(\\d+)/?(\\d+)?"]