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What is the EVALARM External Unit?

With the dashboard of the external unit, you get a multi-client overview of all alarm events in real time.

Monitoring critical events and customers

The control center is web-based. That way you don't need any installation and can access it from anywhere in the world. Using individual filters, you can assign the event types (alarm groups) or customers groups to specific users.


With the external unit, you can generate detailed reports for all of your linked locations and events, export them and adapt them to your individual needs.

Technical connections

With the External Unit, you can also easily monitor technical systems across locations.

In addition to burglar alarm systems, fire alarm systems and other hazard alarm systems, you can easily connect a variety of different systems.

Decentralized data management

All data is maintained locally by each client location, which means that there is no effort needed for managing the system.


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How do I get access to the external unit?

You can reach the external unit at the web address:

After you have received your credentials, you can log into your External Unit.


The external unit is an additional module that is not included in the scope of EVALARM services as standard.

For more information, please contact our sales department


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