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With the EVALARM module patrol rounds you can carry out and document patrol rounds such as security checks, fire protection inspections, data protection tours and much more.

The module is an extension of the tasks function. You create a task as in the EVALARM Basic variant, but can now also mark it as a checkpoint. In order to be able to complete these tasks / checkpoints in EVALARM, a scan via NFC, Barcode or QR code is required.

Create a control point in the administration

When creating a new checkpoint, first enter the name (e.g. escape door, ground floor) and the sort key.

The sort key determines at which position the checkpoint appears in the EVALARM app. The higher the sort key, the higher the checkpoint in the list.

Then add a description to the checkpoint. This can be instructions to be carried out at this checkpoint.

If a scan via NFC, Barcode or QR code is required to complete the task / checkpoint, tick the appropriate box.

Then select the scan type and save the scan ID of the NFC tag, Barcode or QR code.


When creating the checkpoint in the administration for the scan ID, you can also first enter a dummy ID (e.g. a 1) and then simply read in and save the ID later via the checkpoint management in the Android app.

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In the task list, you will see all checkpoints under the Tasks tab.

The icons in front of the name indicate which scan type the control point is.

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Checkpoint Management (Android app)

The Checkpoint Management can be found in the app in the menu under "Checkpoint Management".

This feature is only available in the EVALARM Android app.

All users with the user role Administrator have access. In addition, users with the user roles Emergency and Crisis Team Supervisor & Emergency and Crisis Team Members can also use the Checkpoint Management if they have additionally been granted access to the Workflows administrative area. Please contact your administrator for this.

In the Checkpoint Management you have an overview of all checkpoints that were created in your location. You can create new checkpoints completely and assign them to existing task lists / tours.

You can also edit existing checkpoints at any time.


If you have previously created a checkpoint with a "Dummy" scan ID in the administration, you can call it up here and then simply read in the correct ID using the scan button (see image on the right) and then save it.

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Create a complete tour in EVALARM

Step 1:

Create a new alarm type (e.g. "patrol round")

Step 2:

Create a task list (e.g. security tour 1) with tasks / control points for the patrol round

Step 3:

Create process (→ Who receives the started patrol round with the corresponding task list displayed)

Step 4:

Assign permissions to perform (→ Who can start the patrol round in the app)

...Video coming soon...

Take a tour in the EVALARM app

Step 1:

Select and create the "Patrol Round" alarm type

Step 2:

Scan and process the control points.

Possibly attach comments and pictures.

If the checkpoints are not working "Report a problem"

Step 3:

Possibly add additional information

Step 4:

Complete and end the patrol round

...Video coming soon...

You can then have a complete report as a PDF file for every completed tour in the web cockpit archive.