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The EVALARM cockpit serves as a central control station for dealing with the different alert scenarios.

You can create alarms and , overlook active alarms, control evacuations and SOS alarms and  and see past alerts alarms in the alarm archive.

You can also administrate your EVALARM location here, if you have the appropriate administrator rights.

You can log in with your access through this linkto the cockpitunder

The following user roleshave access to the cockpit:

  • Administrators
  • Emergency & Crisis team supervisors
  • Emergency & Crisis teammembers

The cockpit is divided into 5 sections for better organization:

  1. The overview (cockpit)Cockpit
  2. Visitors (if module is activated=
  3. Alarms (creating and receiving)
  4. AlarmarchiveAlarm Archive
  5. Documents

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