Versionen im Vergleich


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The central function of the evacuation of a campus, building or specific area is handled via the pre-programmed building evacuation alarm type.

Unlike other types of alerts, the building evacuation includes not only a ringtone, an icon, alarm levels and additional information.

In addition, you get an overview of the state of evacuation in real time and can therefore act at any time accordingly.

How to use the mobile evacuation in the app, you can see here.

The evacuation function is located with the other alarm types in the web portal and is set up like other types of alerts.

Here you can change the ringtone. Therefore you first select the ringtone and second you click on den button "Update" to save the setting.

Furthermore you have the possibility to change the sort key and the priority of the alarm type, assing a building structure or add an attachment.

 At this point it is very important to connect the alarm type with the relevant building sectors, because it is mandatory to select an building sector, which should be evacuated, to trigger this alarm. In order for the evacuation to work properly, you must linkthe user to be evacuated and employees with the building structure.

In the next step you have to configurate, who should receive the alarm, when the alarm is triggered. To do this you have to go to the basis workflow of the building evacuation alarm, which you can find under workflows.

Under "Target" you can define, who receives the alarm. Here you have the possibility to add specific users, user groups, user roles or on-call groups to the alerting.

 Beside the defined targets of the workflow all EVALARM-users, who were connected to the building sector, get alerted. Thereby alle the users with the user roles administrator and emergency & crisis team supervisor/member can see the evacuation list. Users with the user roles employee or guest only receive the alerting about the evacuation of the buidling sector.

Under "Action" you have the possibilty to assign specific contact- or task lists to the defined target users of the alarm.

Last you have to configurate, who is permitted to trigger the building evacuation alarm. This can be done in the location management under "Permissions". First you have to select the alarm type building evacuation and afterwards you can define for each user role and user group who is permitted to trigger the alarm (this means who has the button for the SOS alarm in the app or in the web-cockpit).