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app-permissions you can

App Permissions you will find all permissions

, which are necessary, to use EVALARM in full range of functions. You can see if the permissions are set correct

required to use EVALARM to its full extent.

The app permissions show what access the app has on your phone. All access is used exclusively to properly execute the functionalities of the app. We are obliged to show you these and give you the opportunity to deactivate them accordingly. Please note that if permissions are disabled, full and correct use of the app will be restricted.

You can see whether all permissions are set correctly or edit them. If you still want to

set a

assign an permission

, because haven't done it on the first login

because you have not yet done so when logging in for the first time, you can do


so here.


To do this, click on the activation


button on the right and you

get into

will then land in the phone settings, where you can


assign the appropriate permission for EVALARM.

Permissions on Android devices:

  1. Permission to take pictures and videos
  2. Permission to make audio recordings
  3. Permission to start and manage calls
  4. Permission to access photos and videos on the device
  5. Permission to send notifications (from Android 13)
  6. Permission to retrieve device location
  7. Access during Do Not Disturb (This will not restrict the sound when alerting) → Allow Do Not Disturb permission for EVALARM
  8. Disable battery optimization for EVALARM (This improves the connection to the EVALARM system) → Disable battery optimization for EVALARM
  9. Permission to display full-screen notification in the event of an alarm
  10. Permission to access physical activity (only if regular status feedback should be returned automatically about the movement when using single-user monitoring)

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Permissions on iOS (Apple) devices:

  1. Permission to use location
  2. Permission to access the microphone
  3. Permission to access the camera
  4. Permission to Send Notices
  5. Permission to send critical alerts (permission to override the phone's sound settings in the event of an alarm)
  6. Authorization to access movement and fitness data (only if regular status feedback about the movement is to be returned automatically when using single-user monitoring)

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